Club Savage Collection, E46 Giveaway

archive πŸ‘ club savage collection, e46 giveaway


February 2018

Featured like a M/V, the Club Savage video is an E46 M3 that Peaches presented as a giveaway prize to one of our lucky customers that purchased one of our limited hoodies with numbered parking tickets.

The 6-speed manual convertible with custom collaborated parts was presented to a lucky customer as a prize that could be won with the purchase of our apparel. The E46 micro-collection included the popular One Universe crest hoodies in various colors, as well as the panel Peaches logo hoodies.


Our mission is to introduce the beautiful world of car tuning culture to everyone, and to help new members find their way in. If that means giving them a BMW E46…then so be it.

Film directed and produced by @mkoziel

Photography and post-processing by @hihnry

PEACHES GROUPCollaboration